Identification Guides

Here are several guides for the identification of lake biota.


A citizens guide for the identification, mapping and management of the common rooted aquatic plants of Michigan lakes.2000. Wandell, H. and L. Wolfson. MSU Extension Water Quality Series WQ-55.

Aquatic plants of Minnesota. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Aquatic plant identification resources. Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.



Fish of Wisconsin Identification Database. University of Wisconsin Center of Limnology, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Wisconsin Sea Grant.


Invasive/Exotic Species

Integrated pest management for nuisance exotics in Michgan inland lakes. 2000. Hart, S., M. Klepinger, H. Wandell, D. Garling, and L. Wolfson. MSU Extension Water Quality Series WQ-56.

Michigan Invasive Species Program. State of Michigan.


Amphibians and reptiles

Reptiles and amphibians. Michigan Department of Natural Resources