Become a Partner

The Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership is open to any federal, tribal, state, or local government agency, institution, or nongovernmental organization (NGO) interested in advancing stewardship of Michigan’s inland lakes.  The Partnership has both a Council as well as general members.  New members may petition the Council to become a member of the Partnership.

The Coordinating Council (Council) oversees the operation of the Partnership. The purpose of the Council is to set goals and objectives as well as direct and facilitate the participation of all partners.

Members have input into the decision making process as well as contribute to the goals and objectives of the Partnership.

The Partnership has an expectation that all Partners, including those not on the Council, will contribute to the advancement of the Partnership’s goals.  The expectation is that every partner, whether on the Council or not, will contribute something of value to the Partnership – knowledge, money, equipment, political influence or implementation skills and resources.

Please see the Governance document for more information about the partnership including how to become a member.